
How Does Data Recovery Work – A 2024 Guide

May 9, 2020

Unfortunately, almost all people have been in a situation where they have lost the data from their computers. It can happen for various reasons, including the hard drive malfunctioning, getting your OS corrupted, or deleting the records by mistake. And, if you found yourself in this situation, you might be wondering whether or not you can recover the things you lost.

Luckily for you, this is exactly what this article can help you with. The text below is going to feature a guide that can help you better understand how data recovery works, as well as why the files might have disappeared from your computer or laptop. Let’s take a closer look :

Data Retrieval And Loss: Explained

As mentioned at the beginning, data loss can occur due to various reasons – accidentally deleting the records, your hard drive malfunctioning, bugs in your software & hardware, an external attack, even a short electricity failure might have caused you to lose what you need.

To put it simply, data recovery is salvaging and repairing the folders that you lost. Of course, it might not be possible in all situations, especially if the system is entirely corrupted or destroyed. This is why it is mostly recommended for people to hire someone to help them retrieve what they lost. If you want to learn what expert services you can opt for, check out DataSector for more info.

But, How Does it Work Exactly?

The very first thing that is worth mentioning is that the method for retrieving it will depend on how you lost it, hence, let’s look at some of the usual forms:

  1. Deleting The Records

You might not know this, but, any piece of data that was deleted actually stays on the hard until you choose to overwrite it with something else. Now, this means that you should react fast, especially since this will boost your chances of getting everything back.

There is a wide range of programs that you can choose to purchase for this process, ones that utilize complex algorithms that search for the information that remained on your hard. If the program manages to find what they are looking for, you’ll get everything back – if not, your luck has run out.

  1. Corrupted Records

If you ever got a message on your PC saying that your hard drive is corrupted, then you probably know how devastating it feels. But, do not completely lose hope, it might still be manageable to get it back. If you take it out from your device and then add it to another PC, you might determine that it was the OS that was corrupted and the rest of the info is fine. In this situation, you should simply copy everything to a new or different one.

Another issue that might occur is a corrupted partition table, which can easily be repaired by using the right program. If you are successful in repairing it, it should be quite easy to retrieve everything. On the other hand, if it is not successful, you can try to obtain as much info as you can, however, this will mostly depend on how corrupted it is.
  1. Record Damage or System Format

Quite similar to accidentally deleting the folders, formatting a file system will completely destroy the information on the previous things, as well as the structure of the disk, but, in this situation, the number of files deleted will mostly rely on the system format. For instance, formatting it with FAT will end up destroying a lot of info on your PC, and if you choose to rewrite that part of the disk with zeros, you’ll reduce the chance of retrieving the lost items.

If you found yourself in this situation, the amount of info that you can get back will depend on the damage it sustained, as well as the positioning of the items in the program. Now, the process of collecting everything is a bit complex, which is why it is best to hire a professional to help you.

  1. Physical Damage to The Drive

Getting back what you deleted or formatted by mistake is one thing – but, getting it our from a drive that was severely damage is entirely another one. Although you do not need specific knowledge and skills to download, install, and run programs, getting your files back from a damaged one usually requires it to be taken apart, which is why it is wise to get expert help.

Now, taking it apart without further damaging it is an incredibly complex thing, which is why most experts choose to do so in a clean room, where everything is controlled. Even the smallest dust particle can further damage everything, so, if your hard drive got damaged, opt for hiring professional services.

How Can I Choose The Best Data Recovery Company?

There are a few things that you should consider when looking for a data recovery company, including:

  1. Previous Customer Experience – when searching for a company that can help you, the first thing you should check is the experience of their previous customers. Of course, you can do this by accessing their official website, but, ensure that you read the reviews on other sites as well.


  1. The Price – next, check their pricing. This is incredibly important since you do not want to pay more if you can get it for a cheaper price. Naturally, the price should not be too high or too low, especially since this can be a sign that something is wrong. Additionally, check what services you will get for the price you are paying.


  1. Their Knowledge – since you have read this guide, you probably now understand the basics of data recovery, which is why you can check whether or not the expert you’ll be working with knows how to actually do their job. Trust me, you do not want to give them your hard drive just for them to end up damaging it further.


As you can see, there is a wide range of ways that you can salvage the data you have lost. If you are unsure how to do it by yourself, it might be best to hire a professional that will help you, especially since you can make a mistake and entirely destroy the chances of anything being salvaged.

So, now that you understand and know everything there is about the process of retrieving your lost data, you should really not waste any more time. Instead, start searching for a company or expert that can help you get back what you need!

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