Cars and bikes

9 Steps to Take after a Truck Accident – 2024 Legal Guide

May 1, 2020

Being in any kind of motor vehicle accident is always a scary experience and one that we all want to forget. Not only can one get seriously injured, but the vehicle i.e. their property can be completely destroyed. If you have even been in this type of accident, surely you know that there are certain steps that have to be taken.

Try to stay calm

The first thing that you have to do is take a few deep breaths. This can be a traumatic experience for everyone involved, and before you do anything try to gather your thoughts and stay calm. For sure, you are going to experience a whole range of emotion, everything from fear to anger and confusion. As you can assume, no one can think straight under these circumstances, so take a minute to collect yourself.

Call the police

The next thing that you have to do is to call the police. Depending on your location, the dispatcher is going to send the nearest patrol. Regardless of the severity of the accident, this is the absolute initial step that you cannot skip.

The dispatcher is probably going to ask you to stay on the line and ask you about your exact location, the number of people involved in the accident, and so on. You have to provide them with as much information as you can so that they can act accordingly.

Even if none of the participants is seriously injured, or if it turns out that it is a small collision, you have to call the police, because you will need that report in the future.

Seek medical assistance

Once again, it doesn’t matter if you feel good and do not have a scratch on yourself you have to be thoroughly examined by a doctor. Even if you do not have any symptoms right now that doesn’t mean that you haven’t been hurt.

In addition, if you do not get evaluated by medical professionals on the scene, you might not be able to prove later on, that your injuries are related to the accident. Also, once you get examined by the emergency technician, you should ask for a full examination by a doctor. Why? Well, you are going to need a report that contains all the details regarding the injuries.

Document the scene

While waiting for the police to arrive, you should take as many photos of the scene as you can. This is the only way to represent everything just as it has happened when you are filing for a personal injury claim. Another thing, this is especially important if the weather could have played a role in the accident.

Talk to the other driver, and exchange personal information with them. Make sure to get their phone number, home address and e-mail address, license number, insurance company info and policy number, and so on.

Furthermore, when it comes to documenting the scene, you should write everything down as soon as possible. As you know, memory is a tricky thing and you might forget some details that can turn out to be of crucial importance. You can write it down on a piece of paper, or on the other hand, make a voice recording on your smartphone while still on the scene.

Talk to eyewitnesses

This is something that the police will do as a part of their investigation, but that doesn’t mean that you should also talk to them. In this case, a witness can be a person that was in one of the vehicles, a bystander, or a driver of another vehicle that didn’t participate in the accident.

Make sure to gather all the contact info, and also to learn their opinion about what has happened. Don’t forget to ask them whether they want to answer your lawyer’s questions regarding the accident, and also inform them that you will pass their contact information. Click here for more information.

Get your vehicle appraised

Once more, even if the damage is insignificant, you will still need that report to file the claim. If you want to get compensation from the insurance company, you need to present them with all the evidence you can, and the repair report is one of them.

There is another thing that you have to know. Each insurance company has its own requirements so this is something that you should be familiar with. Some might ask you for the photos of the scene, while others might require the doctor’s report, the appraisal, statements from witnesses, and so on.

Hire a lawyer

If you do not know how the system works, you should definitely not try to win the case on your own. This whole process is more complicated than it actually seems which is why you should employ a truck accident lawyer.

A team of attorneys such as can help you in many ways. First of all, they will represent your case and ensure that you get the settlement amount you need in order to cover all the expenses. This is extremely important if you have suffered some serious injuries meaning that there are a lot of medical bills.

Plus, when it comes to truck accidents, usually more than two parties are involved. It’s not only about you and the other driver, but also the trucker’s company is involved, probably the manufacturer of the goods they were transporting, etc. This can just make the whole process very complex.

In the very worst case situation where you would be killed in an accident, the best thing you could have done for your family was to have a legal will. Companies like OneWill can ensure that your assets will be passed on correctly should the unthinkable happen

Do not talk with other driver’s insurance company

This is the most important thing that you have to do. Keep in mind that these people probably do not have your best interest at heart. They might call you do discuss some details, but you should turn them down and ask them to contact your lawyer instead. What’s more, they might offer you an early settlement. Remember, it doesn’t matter how good this sum sounds it is most certainly not the amount you will get by winning the case. Because of this, you shouldn’t agree to anything or sign any documents without talking to your attorney.

Avoid social media

Finally, this last step might seem peculiar, but it is very important because it can hurt your case. The other side is going to do a background check on you and this includes your social media accounts. If they find any posts where you have stated that you are fine or haven’t suffered any major injuries, they will most certainly use them against you and you will lose the case.

Also, don’t be rude and post any negative comments about the other side. This is impolite and it will probably ruin your good reputation.

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