Many people go through their whole lives just paying for stuff and not wondering if they could get a discount. When they spot a sale, they go out and spend their money, not knowing that you could probably get a discount any time you’re shopping for something.
On the other hand, a lot of people haven’t purchased a single thing in a while, without browsing the web for discount codes. Many would say that a lot of them are virtually obsessed with finding online coupons and discounts codes, but the others aren’t really sure why that is. On that note, we’ve decided to do a little research and find out why are some people so obsessed with online coupons and are they really worth the hassle?
How Much Money Can You Actually Save?

According to some stats, over 60% of online shoppers are using coupons on the regular basis and that number is steadily rising over the years. When you take a look at those numbers, you would think that no discount code is left unused. However, it is reported that only about 1% of all issued coupons are actually used. When you consider that an average one gives you a discount of about $1.50 and that there are about 500 billion coupons issued annually, you can see just how much money you could possibly save and how many of them are actually left on the table.
Now, many would argue that they’re there only to increase the sales and draw in potential buyers, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t use one if you can save a few bucks. So, let’s talk a little bit about why many use them and why you should consider doing it too.
They’re Free & Easy To Find

One of the most common misconceptions is that the coupons aren’t free. However, that’s very untrue and you can easily find an abundance of them online. They’re not a gift from a store once you purchase something. Stores offer them for free all the time. According to, virtually every online store regardless of what they’re selling has a discount code or a voucher every time they have a new item for sale. It’s up to you to go out and look for them.
Not only they’re free, but they’re remarkably easy to go out and find. All you have to do is a quick web browser search and you’ll be met with a lot of results. From there, you can find the websites you feel are best for what you’re looking for and just keep following them for updates.
It’s Smart To Use Them
If there’s one thing you can deny it’s the fact that shopping with coupons is smart. There’s no other way around it. Whether you’re shopping for groceries or clothes – if you have an option to spend less, why wouldn’t you do that? If you were at checkout at a local store and the cashier offered you a 20% discount – you wouldn’t say no, wouldn’t you? Why? Because it would be dumb to pass out on a discount. The same thing applies here. If you know of websites like, why would you use them and save a few bucks?
You Can Save On Essentials
When we talk about these things, many people go straight to shopping for clothes. When you think about it from that perspective, it’s easy to bash on those people and call them reckless spenders that waste money on unnecessary clothing just because they’re on sale. However, you can use coupons to save on groceries and other essentials, as well. Groceries are a necessity and if you can save just a few dollars each day on your meats and veggies – that’s smart spending. Those little discounts add up to a couple of hundred on a yearly basis. When you look at it from that angle – you can clearly see why many are obsessed with coupons.
It’s Easy To Try New Things Out
Have you ever wanted to try out a new brand of shampoo and you’ve just sat there and wondered are you going to waste money on a product that may turn out to be bad? Well, it doesn’t have to be a bottle of shampoo, but you’ve probably been in that kind of situation. Luckily, coupons are here to help you out. If you can get that new item you’ve wanted to try, for just a fraction of the price – why wouldn’t you? Even if it turns out to be disappointing, at least you haven’t spent that much money.
You Can Get Free Items
Discounts are great, but free items are better. If you agree with that, you’ll be happy to know that during some special events, you can find vouchers for free stuff. Usually, those come in forms of ‘buy X, get 1 free’ and you could say that’s just a regular discount in a new dress, but it’s free stuff nevertheless.
There Are Coupons For Everything

There would be a lot less coupon-crazy people if they were only for things like clothes and jewellery. However, as we’ve already mentioned, you can a coupon for everything – food, drinks, tech, kitchen appliances, furniture, clothes, restaurants, airplane tickets and so on. Basically, if you can buy it – you can find a voucher for it.
Shopping Sprees Hurt Less
Finally, we do have to mention those serial shoppers that like to break the bank when they’re shopping. If there’s anyone that loves discounts it’s them. And to be fair, it’s for a very good reason. Let’s say you have a code for a 10% discount on your checkout and you buy a $10 shirt. That means you get a dollar back and that’s just enough to grab a cheeseburger. However, when you buy a $200 worth of clothes, that dollar turns into 20.

Finally, you can’t say that it’s not fun to save money. It’s really hard to argue against using coupons because there are virtually no drawbacks when it comes to them. So, if you didn’t know why many are obsessing over them – now you hopefully know.