Being in college is already stressful as is, and with the dozens of different subjects that we need to take every year, being on top of everything that is happening is extremely hard. The college essays are some of the most important parts of your education, and starting from the application process where you need to submit your writing to get accepted, up to the dozens of them that you need to finish every year, it seems like we are constantly writing these articles.
Understanding what you can do to make them better is going to save you a lot of time, stress, and effort, and you will be able to finish the task faster and focus on the other parts of your education. If you have been struggling with them, you’ve come to the right place.
In this 2024 guide, we are going to tell you what colleges are looking for in essays, starting from the ones you need to create to apply in the university, up to the ones that you need to create for your extracurricular activities.
Make sure you grab their attention right from the start

The first thing you need to do if you want to do this right is to understand the task. Take some time to do your research, no matter if you know the topic or not. Sit down, see what is available on the internet, open as many sources as possible, and read them all. Take notes while you are doing it, and write down things that you like and things that you think should be done better. Understand which things you can uniquely implement in your writing and what are the parts that you want to steer away from.
When you start writing, you should try to grab the reader’s attention right from the start, and give them a reason why they should not feel like your work is the same as everyone else’s. By being captivating and providing a story from the first line, your professor is more likely to pay attention to your work instead of just skimming through it. Try your best not to be boring or unified, and know that in these cases it is always better to stand out than just blend in. Once you have the reader’s attention it is going to be easier for you to keep them interested throughout the whole article, and they will not only give you a good grade, but they are more likely to remember you and help you out with understanding the subject during the year.
Always proofread your work

Proofreading is always a must if you want to be recognized and respected. Sometimes the story and the topic may be completely on point, but you will not get the grade or the result you expect if you don’t pay attention to your sentence structure, spelling, and grammar. However, this is easier said than done, and we don’t always have time to check things out and make every writing perfect.
With services like, you don’t have to worry about the subject, the writing, or the technical part of it, and you can just get the essay written by professionals that know how to create perfect writing that is going to be completely free of any mistakes.
When you approach this task on your own, make sure you thoroughly check it, read it at least once out loud, and you can also use grammar and spelling tools that are going to check your work as well. You should ask a friend or a relative to read it and let you know if there are any issues with the technical parts and the writing as well.
Try to stand out
Standing out is a must if you want to be remembered and recognized. No matter if we are talking about your application for the university or just a task for your subject, there are going to be dozens if not hundreds of other articles that your professors will need to read and grade. If you want them to remember you and if you want to stand out, then you need to provide a unique perspective.
Try to get creative, think critically, and don’t be afraid of stating your opinion. When you do this, remember to back everything up with evidence, and explain why things are done or need to be changed. You can even try to keep the reader interested by not jumping to the point right away, and you are free to add parts of your personality as well. Create a tale, be interesting, and don’t stick just to the standard and safe rules.
Ask questions and provide answers

The last thing that will help you be better than the other applicants, and that will help you create great writing is to ask questions and provide answers. No matter the thesis you are approaching, there are always a lot of questions that are related to it, so you should list them out. You should not form it always as a question and answer, and you can try different approaches that are going to make your job easier.
By asking questions, you will show the reader that you have understood different parts of the task, and that you are delving deeper than just the basic information related to it. Even if you have a strong opinion on something, see all the possible approaches and explain them. Don’t defend your point of view only, and see what are the good and negative sides of all the other opinions as well. Be versatile and show that even though you are taking a side, you’ve considered all the other possibilities.
These are some of the things that can help you understand what universities are looking for when it comes to writing, and know that these tips are going to help you be better. In case you don’t have time to finish all the articles that are required from you in a year, you can always ask for help from services and get amazing writings that are going to be correct, on point, and unique. The more essays you write, the better you are going to become, so don’t worry if you need time to get used to them.