Cars and bikes

3 Tips For Buying A Private DVLA Registration Number Plate

June 30, 2020

Vehicle owners buy DVLA number plates for their vehicles due to a variety of reasons. Some do it for a status symbol, for a fashion statement, or simply because they don’t like the original number plate provided.

Private number plate means you will have to invest a good amount of money. Take a private registration number plate as an investment. There is no defined cost to buy one, and consider the cost of a private number plate to be anything from a hundred pounds and upwards. The third most expensive UK number plate was recently sold for £400,000. So, you can see people are ready to pay any amount to buy an attractive number plate for their vehicle.

Tips For Buying Private Number Plates


Many people like private number plates fitted to their cars. They do so because of a variety of reasons. Private number plates are either regarded as a fun addition or simply an easy identification. If you fancy your vehicle with a private number plate, consider a few tips before getting one.

Let us first know how to get a private DVLA registration number plate.

  • Set A Budget And Be A Little Flexible- Determine a budget that you would like to​ invest to get a private registration number plate. Private plates are expensive. Hence, you must set a budget within which you would like to purchase a number plate. Also, stick to your budget, or else you may end up spending huge for no reason. Pick an option that fits your imagination and budget perfectly. Moreover, you should stay flexible, meaning that even if you have to compromise, do so.

For instance, number plates that don’t have dates that have dates in them are more expensive than those with dates. You may have to adjust a bit so that you choose a number plate in your budget. Setting out to look for number plates with two to three options in mind helps. You are more likely to get what you want. If you have that one design in your mind, probably you will have to wait till it becomes available or spend more than your budget.

  • Paperwork- Every private number plate should mandatorily be held either on a​ retention V778 certification that is valid or is held on a vehicle that has a V5 registration. One of either two documents is required by the DVLA so that the registration number is transferred to your vehicle. It is your responsibility to send all the required documents to the DVLA along with a valid MOT certificate. If you are not familiar with the forms, then the procedure may take more time to get processed. However, the process is easy.
  • Q Plates- If your vehicle has a ‘Q’ in it, it means that either you have imported it​ with endless paperwork for establishing its right age, or the vehicle is a kit car that is manufactured using several parts from numerous vehicles. Q vehicles are provided with Q registration numbers, and the idea behind them is to distinguish them from other vehicles. If you are an owner of such a vehicle, you are not legally licensed to apply for a personalized number plate.

If you are looking for some of the best DVLA registration number plates, check They have a variety of options available. You can find the perfect DVLA plate​ easily.

Buying Private Number Plates


Vehicle owners who want to make their cars stand out from other vehicles, buy personalized number plates. DVLA often sells private plates in auctions that are held at different locations in the UK. They are held all over the UK for almost five times a year.

If you are interested in buying one from an auction, then find the next scheduled details. They have a personalized registration website from where you can register yourself if you want to buy a DVLA number plate. After purchasing a number plate, the V750 certificate is issued, proving that you are the owner of the plate, and you reserve all rights to use them on your vehicle.

Assigning the plates to your cars is an important step. When you buy a DVLA plate from a dealer, they will help you in the process. However, if you are applying for one by yourself, then ensure that the car is registered in your name.

After receiving the number plates, fit them on your vehicle, since you cannot run your vehicle on the road without them. Tell your insurance company that you have a new number plate for your vehicle, and they will update their records with the same.

You can fit the private plates on ordinary cars; however, according to the rules the vehicle must acquire registration from DVLA.

Buy Personalized Number Plates

Several companies out there are into buying and selling personalized number plates. If you are looking for something that you couldn’t find on the DVLA website or in an auction, then it is worth searching for with the brokers. They will help you get what you are looking for. Moreover, note that the number of plates available with brokers is more expensive than what is sold by the DVLA website directly.

You can also consider buying a number plate by yourself. If you cannot find one, keep an eye on the advertisements given in car magazines, newspapers, etc. Sometimes rarely available number plates are found on adverts, and they are priced to reflect the fact that they are not easily accessible.

The Bottom Line

Buying a private number plate is like a facade. When it is registered with DVLA for a vehicle, it belongs solely to the vehicle and not to the person who owns it. The owner will not have to pay an annual fee as long as the number plate is present there on the vehicle. The plate has no cost, but the owner will have to pay tax or MOT.

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