
5 Ways to Build Your Personal Brand by Blogging

November 12, 2020

Do you know who you are? Do you know what kind of content you want to present? Do you know how to reach out to your target audience? Those questions might be confusing and even a bit silly, but they’re crucial in developing a personal brand. Branding means building your own identity and coming up with something unique that’ll make you stand out among the endless list of bloggers out there.

This discipline has evolved over the years and it’s not only reserved for celebrities, such as athletes, singers, or actors. It doesn’t even matter whether you’re a business owner with good marketing knowledge or not. All it takes to excel in this is finding a balance between knowing yourself and what you want. Successful branding is all about adding a personal touch and letting the people peep into your world.

The whole process doesn’t need to be complex – it’s only important to build your image so that you keep the audience interested and engaged. Let’s have a look at some of the ways that might help you build your brand as a blogger successfully.

1. Create a unique style

Before you start creating unique content, you must be aware that the success won’t happen overnight. Creating something original demands patience and it’s a gradual process. First, you should start by identifying your blogging style and make sure it matches your personality.

The next thing you should think of is how to create content that you identify with and want to integrate into your blog. If you try to make something that’s fake and doesn’t go well with your character, you shouldn’t expect to manage to fool the audience since they can easily detect the fake from real. So, the kind advice would be – don’t even try to portray something that you are not.

However, if you struggle to reach your target groups and enhance the share, then you should try to replicate the style of more popular bloggers. The crucial part of the sentence is REPLICATE – don’t copy their way of creating, but use them as your inspiration. It means you should study their way of writing style, vocabulary, and the type of content they give to their readers. The idea is to get motivated to find your style – the same one you are going to be recognized for and use it in all your posts as your trademark.

Also, you shouldn’t forget that including images in your posts is equally significant as the textual part. Carefully choose images that go well with your general style of writing.

2. Use your content on multiple channels

After you have found your style, you shouldn’t restrict yourself from spreading it all over the Internet as much as you can.  There are a few examples of how to repurpose your content and make it accessible for more users by posting it on different channels.

If you want to make your brand more prosperous, you should have your email newsletter list and share your posts as helpful email content. This type of communication is usually forgotten besides all the fuss with social networks, but it’s actually a very effective one, right next to text messages.

The other way of repurposing your posts is to boost your image by posting videos. This allows you to reach out to people who prefer videos over text – and that’s a vast majority. Nowadays, this type of content is becoming an increasingly popular way of expressing – even more popular than writing. It’s definitely the main choice of online users which makes it an effective way to make your brand appealing to such users.

Another, great thing to reach popularity is to create podcasts. It’s a way of sharing your thoughts, ideas, and knowledge – people nowadays get seriously hooked on this. Podcasts will help you build your fan base among the users who follow brands mostly because of compelling audio discussions.

3. Learn from experts

If you want to make sure you’ll create and run a blog that’s unique and could become viral successfully, you should take some time to explore some sources of knowledge and let them enrich your experience with interesting tools, like the ones proposes. Building a personal brand with the help of these elements will start bearing fruit right away – as soon as you start implementing them.

There are also certain books and articles you can find online and get valuable tips and pieces of advice from them. Gain as much knowledge and understanding as you can so that you can avoid all the rookie mistakes and tap into the business from the start.

4. Be consistent with the new posts

All your knowledge and tips on how to create something catchy and irresistible will be in vain if you don’t produce new content consistently. You should always be up to date and provide your audience with engaging stuff. It means the posts should be in the time-interval that’s usually expected from you, so if you tend to post once a month, or once a day, keep it that way or even make it more frequent.

Otherwise, if you start slacking off, your audience might lose interest. Don’t play with your fans’ emotions and always be ready to meet their expectations. Your fanbase needs an understanding of their needs and if you have it and you show it, nothing can stop you on your way to success.

5. Networking

If you want to become and stay relevant, you can start with networking. Popular online communities can help you create strong relationships as you provide some precious assistance and keep being engaged in the community. Also, don’t forget that this means staying in the community and working hard on your performance before you can see any results. Networking means asking your contacts to share your posts or links on their social media platforms or support you in any other way you can come up with.

One of the effective ways to gain more followers is to write guest posts, as you can always publish on websites that accept them. Another method would be to organize outings and meetings in real life. Building offline connections is an awesome idea to get your message reach even more people.

Understandably, every new project demands time and courage. So, be brave, set realistic goals, follow these tips, and in no time you’ll find yourself on the throne of this online community. Prepare to stand out in the crowd and build a wide range of audiences with an absorbing style and your original identity!

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