
The Evolution of Solar Panels in 2024

January 14, 2021

At the end of each year, in any commercial sector, it is time to analyse the evolution of the last 12 months in order to move on as best as possible over the following period.

In 2024, it is unavoidable to take into account the sector effects of Covid-19 as being the primary influence on any analysis, and in regard to solar panels, their production, distribution, and use over the last few months, the same can be said.

Solar panel producers are bucking the trend

In one way or another, every professional sector has had to endure a tough year. Despite production and consumption of solar panels having benefitted in part by the stay-at-home orders implemented in many countries over the spring, smaller companies have had a difficult time of it.

Other larger companies in the market, especially those in the international market, have been able to redistribute their resources and overcome 2024 with a more balanced stability.

In fact, during the peak of the pandemic in Europe in March and April, companies such as Kaseel Solar, with over 20 years of experience and with a presence in six continents, were able to keep afloat and they even welcomed in the third quarter of the year with increased solar panel production.

This is an internationally recognised company, with a considerable solar panel production capacity and a range of models in their catalogues to meet any customer demands, whether from individuals or electric power plants.

2020, record year for solar energy production

During the summer of 2024, the Covid-19 pandemic was considered to be under control, even more so than now.

Solar power production analysis reflected how hard a year it had been, but it also showed positive results in regard to what was happening in the sector.

In some European regions, some historic records had actually been beaten. For example, more solar energy MW had been installed than in previous years.

There are different collective reasons behind this evolution. Among them, are the increase in renewable energy auctions, the desire to meet the European Union’s sustainability goals, and the state subsidies and support for these installations, etc.

These are factors which have meant that in 2024, even in a full pandemic, the sector has experienced incredible growth. It is now time to analyse if the global health crisis has in fact excessively effected the sector or not. The evolution in solar power electricity production in European countries seems to not have been excessively affected by the pandemic, it actually continued to grow since the start of the year.

As a matter of fact, at times, solar, photovoltaic, and solar-thermal energy surpassed nuclear energy production for the first time.

You could say that Covid-19 had a paradoxical effect on the sector. While everybody stayed at home industrial and commercial activity went down to a minimum. This led to solar energy production gaining ground on other electricity alternatives, demonstrating the progress made in 2024.

Quality guarantees of solar panels

Solar energy from solar panels is one of the most innovative technological advances of our lifetimes, even if not yet fully implemented across the global market.

Therefore, the quality guarantee of its production is a requirement demanded by many consumers and companies.

As is often the case with sectors at the forefront of a significant drive, the solar energy sector has gone through many years in which the product on offer was exponentially surpassed by the demand itself. Just as with any kind of new development, some innovations are just not seen as being a reliable investment.

When previously mentioning companies, we are clearly not just referring to their sector experience or international expansion. No company aims to have global distribution without first ensuring the maximum quality of its production processes.

This quality is also largely a response to what has been demanded by consumers over the last few years, after their experience with the first solar panels on the market.

The most requested factors when in the development stage are related to cost-effectiveness and efficiency. In order to meet both these requests, a solar panel must include innovations such as monocrystalline modules with dozens of cells, extreme weather resistance, and simple installation.

As seen, they are complex innovations which only high-level specialists are able to offer customers, but these customers have more and more demands. This is why another key element in the evolution of solar panels is a reduction in the space they use.

More power while taking up less space, if possible, with a preference for rooftop installation rather than on the ground. These are the most common requests from consumers nowadays.

The two big objectives for solar panels

Solar panels offer two big benefits, which become potential objectives for customers and consumers.

One of these is a financial benefit. The cost-effectiveness of a solar panel results in electricity bill savings, in a clear trend towards self-consumption. The aim is for this cost-effectiveness to come into effect as soon as possible as of the investment being made.

In places where solar panels aren’t an option, homeowners increasingly turn to green power companies like TXU and look for their TXU plans, which provide competitive electricity prices.

The geographic location is a key factor when reaping solar panel benefits. Spain is one of the best strategically located countries in Europe in this regard.

In regions such as Lugo, the repayment period for a solar panel can be up to 10 years. However, if we head across to the Mediterranean coast in the Comunidad Valenciana, this repayment time can be reduced by up to 4 and a half years.

If we add state support to these differences, consumers will be able to capitalise on their investment at almost the same time in which they make it, encouraging more and more consumers to opt for this clean energy source.

Another huge factor is sustainability. Solar energy is cleaner, it creates less waste, and helps to create a more sustainable environment which no other non-renewable energy source can compare to.

Has Covid-19 had an effect? The answer is yes. The concern surrounding the environment has increased, as when it was clear that the pandemic kept the human race indoors, other living creatures and Nature in general were at ease, risk free.

Many people set their New Year’s Resolutions for 2024 (although some a little late) to be more conscious of Nature and to create less waste. In regard to electricity production, solar panels represent the best investment in this respect.

Is this sustainability commitment having an effect? If we look at the fact that some companies have not just kept afloat in 2024 but have actually increased their sales and developed new innovations which are now available, it is clear that the consumer trend has not suffered from any negative effects.

2024 promises even more success for solar panel energy. If we are able to put an end to the pandemic and we can get back to 100% production, the offer of these products could have a significant increase, along with demand. A rising trend is something that any commercial sector would be happy to have. Solar energy could have that over the next 12 months.

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