
Tips to Improve Your Health at Work

August 9, 2020

Today’s working spaces can truly boast of countless absorbing innovations that previously remained largely in the realm of the imagination only. Who would have imagined that places of a strictly professional nature that were used exclusively for labour will today abound with delicious meals, gyms, entertainment activities and other aspects that employers try to motivate their workers with? However, we shouldn’t ignore the fact that, despite all the positive changes it has experienced, the workspace is also an environment responsible for the development of diverse health problems. And we’re often not even aware of it – at least until it’s too late – which  is something that’s quite necessary to fight against.

The time we spend at the office desk or overwhelmed by business commitments generally puts the healthy habits we have on stand by. It will most often happen that our duties occupy us so much that we forget to eat something, or simply stretch in our chair. We’ll be in a hurry so much that we won’t hesitate much whether to spend an extra few minutes climbing the stairs or just jump into the elevator and find ourselves where we need to be in a few seconds. Our bosses, irritating colleagues, a pile of papers and a lack of communication will annoy us most of the day. You see what we mean? Can you think of more things that can be a part of such a scenario?

Allowing things like this to take over our daily lives means surrendering to the hectic flow of daily activities and giving way to stress and a generally poor mental or physical condition. In order to avoid that, we have several suggestions on how to maintain your well-being without going crazy, killing someone or getting seriously ill.

1. Implement air purifiers

The air that we breathe indoors contains two to five times more pollutants than outdoor air – and in certain cases the amount of indoor pollution can be up to 100 times higher. Did you know this? So, apparently, this doesn’t seem to be a joke, especially at places where a certain number of people keep breathing, coughing, sneezing or simply just staying in.

This air quality in many cases causes allergy symptoms, runny nose, cough, fatigue, general malaise and headache. Cleaning the space, opening windows and frequent ventilation is desirable, but sometimes definitely not enough. This is where air purifiers enter the scene. Suggest placing some in the office or the workplace where you perform your activities. These devices are designed with a series of high-quality air purification filters that enable improving air quality even without any additional ventilation method.

As air passes through the filters, pollutants remain on them, which  is why it’s necessary to take into account the capacity of the device, since the efficiency largely depends on it. Articles on Ergonomics Health Association, which dedicates its goals to the enhancement of the working environment, do include some pretty nice suggestions for the best ones you can find on the market.

2. Stay hydrated

You simply can’t imagine a working morning without a cup (or two or three) of coffee, can you? But do we so often pay attention to the amount of water we take in during the day? Apart from being one of the fundamental substances needed for the regular and healthy functioning of the human organism, the optimal amount of this life-giving liquid is also beneficial for concentration and improves the quality of performance.

Numerous office water dispensers found their place in most workplaces nowadays – the perfect excuse to get up from your chair, stretch your legs and walk to the nearest one to freshen up. It’s true – you may have to run to the toilet more often (here’s another opportunity to move around!), but if you think about it, that’s just another advantage. While urinating, you get rid of all unnecessary substances and toxins from the body.

In case, despite your good will, you just can’t remember to drink a glass or two once in a few hours, seek help in the form of smartphone apps that remind you that it’s time to do so. Hydro Coach, Daily Water Tracker, iHydrate… it’s all up to you.

3. Take care of your body position while working

For the ones whose job is such that it requires a lot of time spent at the desk and computer, a bad posture certainly affects several things, but mostly the condition of their back. Here office furniture plays a significant role as it’s one of the factors on which our spine and back health depends.

When it comes to office chairs and desks, the prices, models and types are different, so you’ll surely be able to find something in accordance with your needs and the interior of the office. In case you’re just an employee, it doesn’t hurt to suggest this kind of change to your managers or superiors. Some office chairs, primarily ergonomic, would adapt perfectly  to your back and neck, so you will sit in a significantly more comfortable position throughout the day and avoid unpleasant feeling and pain.

If you aren’t able to decide on the right kind of equipment for the office, or launch an initiative to do so, at least you can take care of sitting properly, with your back straight. Bring some comfy cushions to support it and use every opportunity to stand up and stretch a bit whenever it’s possible.

4. Healthy snacks instead of greasy food

Remember how once, when you were still a student, you simply loved to stuff yourself with snacks and sweets while studying, since you believed that they improved your concentration? Well, you need something similar while you’re at work, as well. The only thing is that you need to take into account how healthy they actually are. If you think that chips, crisps, biscuits or chocolate will make your job easier and let you focus more successfully… well,  you’re mistaken.

In addition to making sure that the lunch you bring from home or buy on your way is healthy and rich in proteins, minerals and vitamins, if you really need to snack on something between meals, let it be fruit. Bananas, peaches, strawberries and other berries… all of them so convenient for placing in a lunch box, as well as almonds, hazelnuts or any other kind of nuts.

The mildest variant of popular snacks are popcorn – it’s better than the rest of the snacks offered by the supermarket or vending machine, it’s  less greasy and deceives your appetite successfully.

5. Use your pauses

Seriously – don’t skip them. It’s understandable – we do have many duties and assignments and at times we even forget to glance at the clock. Then, boom! – the pause, the precious pause is all gone. ‘Well, not a big pity’, you’re thinking to yourself – ‘I’ll simply rest when I go home’. Believe us – so wrong on many levels.

These moments during the day tend to be the ones which let you have a break from all the obligations, have a couple of deep breaths, calm your thoughts, eat something or simply chill. This is especially crucial for your mental health and stableness, as it acts as mini stress-relieving ritual – and your body and mind truly need it.

6. Prevent eye damage

And, finally, another thing that starts to matter only when we begin to feel the consequences. Not looking away from your monitor might severely damage your eyesight even if it was perfect previously. Therefore, make sure to set an alarm on your phone every 20 minutes to remind you to rest your eyes for a while, for example, to close them briefly or look at something else for at least 20 seconds.

Also, don’t sit too close to the screen – it’s absolutely enough to simply maximize the screen or zoom it in instead of putting so much effort to read tiny letters. If there is a possibility, inquire and get blue light blocking glasses – it’s a special type that enables you to follow the things on the screen of your PC or phone without forcing your eyes to adapt.

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